This report highlights the baseline results of a two year study aimed at evaluating the impact of the community-based Child Protection (CBCP) intervention undertaken by War Child Holland in post conflict Northern Uganda. The goal of the Community Based Child Protection (CBCP) intervention is to improve the protective environment for children and young people at the community level by supporting communities to strengthen the way communities prevent and respond to child protection concerns and to improve the link between community and national child protection systems.
The CBCP intervention was initially developed in 2009 by War Child Holland and since then, it has been implemented in over 60 communities. It was revised in 2011/2012, drawing on WCH implementation experience. The CBCP intervention is process oriented, prioritizes community capacity and self-help, and stresses consensus and cooperation. It is underpinned by an interactive approach: engaging the community structures in the analysis of problems and gaps, promoting dialogue and development and implementation of action plans with a long-term focus on the prevention of violence against children.
The CBCP intervention comprises of three sequential phases. The first is community-driven analysis of the main types of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of children in the targeted communities. This activity uses a number of tools, such as risk analysis, pathway analysis (a method to understand what really happens to a child when it has been exposed to violence (as opposed to what should happen ), and a Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis. This phase targets existing community structures that have an interest in protecting children and facilitate their own analysis of children’s situation and the magnitude, causes and consequences of violence against children.