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“Barriers to communication between HIV care providers (HCPs) and women living with HIV about child bearing: A qualitative study”, vol. 99, 2015.
, “The first mile: Community experience of outbreak control during an Ebola outbreak in Luwero District, Uganda”, vol. 16, 2016.
, , “Violence against primary school children with disabilities in Uganda: A cross-sectional study”, vol. 14, p. 1017, 2014.
, “The Good School Toolkit for reducing physical violence from school staff to primary school students: A cluster-randomised controlled trial in Uganda”, vol. 3, pp. e378 - 86, 2015.
, “Context of Violence in Adolescence Cohort (CoVAC) study: protocol for a mixed methods longitudinal study in Uganda”, BMC Public Health, vol. 20, 2020.
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