
Found 54 results
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Book Chapter
E. Walakira, Kikulwe, D., Luwangula, R., Kaawa-Mafigiri, D., and Bukenya, B., Building Research Evidence and Collaborative Partnerships in Uganda to Prevent and Protect Children Against Violence: Concerns and Priorities for Action, 2017, pp. 11 - 31.
D. Kikulwe, Walakira, E., Ssebikindu, L., Ssebikindu, J., Muhangi, D., and Matovu, F., Education for All: Reflections on the Schooling Status for the Girl Child in Uganda, 2017, pp. 297 - 310.
W. J. Eddy, Nyanzi, D., and Kaawa, M. D., HIV & AIDS and its Impact on Child Well-Being, 2013.
E. Walakira, Ddumba, I., and Kaawa-Mafigiri, D., HIV and AIDS and its impact on child well-being, 2014, pp. 2355 - 2377.
P. Bukuluki, Kaawa-Mafigiri, D., and Rwemisisi, J. Tibemanya, Matriarchy in Patriarchal Societies: Burden of Care of Maternal Relatives and Vulnerability of Orphans from HIV Affected Households in Luwero District Uganda, 2017, pp. 113 - 126.
E. Walakira, Ddumba, I., and Bukenya, B., NGOs and child-sensitive social protection programming in Uganda, 2014, pp. 298 - 314.
I. Kamya and Walakira, E., Perpetrators or Protectors of Children Against Violence: Police Officers in Uganda and Their Encounters with Children in Street Situations, 2017, pp. 179 - 197.
E. Awich Ochen, Psychosocial Support for formerly abducted youth in Northern Uganda., in Schott, E. & Weiss, E. (Eds). Social Work Practice in Health, Mental Health & Communities: A Meta-framework for Micro, Mezzo, Macro and Global Action. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2015.
E. Walakira, Kikulwe, D., Luwangula, R., Riley, M., Bukenya, B., and Ddumba, I., System Strengthening to Improve Alternative Care for Neglected and Child Survivors of Violence in Uganda: Critical Areas for Consideration, 2017, pp. 253 - 270.
E. Awich Ochen, Traditional Acholi mechanisms for reintegrating Ugandan child abductees, in Anthropology Southern Africa, vol. 37, 3&4,239-251 vol., 2014.
Journal Article
B. Saulo, Walakira, E., and Darj, E., Access to healthcare for disabled persons. How are blind people reached by HIV services?, vol. 3, pp. 49 - 53, 2012.
S. Wandera, Tumwesigye, N., Walakira, E., Kisaakye, P., and Wagman, J., Alcohol use, intimate partner violence, and HIV sexual risk behavior among young people in fishing communities of Lake Victoria, Uganda, BMC Public Health, vol. 21, 2021.
I. Ddumba-Nyanzi, Kaawa-Mafigiri, D., and Johannessen, H., Barriers to communication between HIV care providers (HCPs) and women living with HIV about child bearing: A qualitative study, vol. 99, 2015.
J. McGrath, Winchester, M., Kaawa-Mafigiri, D., Walakira, E., Namutiibwa, F., Birungi, J., Ssendegye, G., Nalwoga, A., Kyarikunda, E., Kisakye, S., Ayebazibwe, N., and Rwabukwali, C., Challenging the Paradigm: Anthropological Perspectives on HIV as a Chronic Disease, vol. 33, 2014.
E. Walakira and Bogere, P., Child Sacrifice in Uganda: Adequacy of Existing Legal Provision, International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, vol. 41, pp. 92-101, 2014.
E. Awich Ochen, Children and young mothers Agency in the midst of Conflict: a review of the experiences of young people in Northern Uganda., Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect, 2015.
K. Devries, Parkes, J., Knight, L., Allen, E., Namy, S., Datzberger, S., Nalukenge, W., Atuhaire, L., Kyegombe, N., Walakira, E., Seeley, J., Weiss, H., and Naker, D., Context of Violence in Adolescence Cohort (CoVAC) study: protocol for a mixed methods longitudinal study in Uganda, BMC Public Health, vol. 20, 2020.
M. Baizerman, Walakira, E., and Namarome, S., Doing Civic Youth Work With Adults: A Reality in Uganda, vol. 34, pp. 214 - 217, 2013.
M. Winchester, McGrath, J., Kaawa-Mafigiri, D., Namutiibwa, F., Ssendegye, G., Nalwoga, A., Kyarikunda, E., Birungi, J., Kisakye, S., Ayebazibwe, N., Walakira, E., and Rwabukwali, C., Early HIV disclosure and nondisclosure among men and women on antiretroviral treatment in Uganda, vol. 25, 2013.
