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M. Winchester, McGrath, J., Kaawa-Mafigiri, D., Namutiibwa, F., Ssendegye, G., Nalwoga, A., Kyarikunda, E., Birungi, J., Kisakye, S., Ayebazibwe, N., Walakira, E., and Rwabukwali, C., Early HIV disclosure and nondisclosure among men and women on antiretroviral treatment in Uganda, vol. 25, 2013.
W. P, J, M. G., David, M., C, N., M, S., M, N., Y, K., T, B., H, K., A, A., Eddy, W. J., and Charles, R., Early HIV disclosure and nondisclosure among men and women on antiretroviral treatment in Uganda” AIDS Care, 2013.
D. Kikulwe, Walakira, E., Ssebikindu, L., Ssebikindu, J., Muhangi, D., and Matovu, F., Education for All: Reflections on the Schooling Status for the Girl Child in Uganda, 2017, pp. 297 - 310.
J. Kayiwa, Clarke, K., Knight, L., Allen, E., Walakira, E., Namy, S., Merrill, K., Naker, D., and Devries, K., Effect of the good school toolkit on school staff mental health, sense of job satisfaction and perceptions of school climate: Secondary analysis of a cluster randomised trial, vol. 101, 2017.
F. Bajunirwe, Ayebazibwe, N., Mulogo, E., Eng, M., McGrath, J., Kaawa-Mafigiri, D., Mugyenyi, P., and Sethi, A., Effectiveness of a mobile antiretroviral pharmacy and HIV care intervention on the continuum of HIV care in rural Uganda, vol. 32, pp. 1 - 5, 2020.
A. Nordenmark, Wallin, J., Binci, M., Walakira, E., Neema, S., and Bradford, B., End-line performance evaluation: Deinstitutionalization of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Uganda (DOVCU). 2018.
