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I. Ddumba-Nyanzi, Kaawa-Mafigiri, D., and Johannessen, H., Barriers to communication between HIV care providers (HCPs) and women living with HIV about child bearing: A qualitative study, vol. 99, 2015.
D. de Vries, Rwemisisi, J. Tibemanya, Musinguzi, L., Turinawe, E., Muhangi, D., Groot, M., Kaawa-Mafigiri, D., and Pool, R., The first mile: Community experience of outbreak control during an Ebola outbreak in Luwero District, Uganda, vol. 16, 2016.
K. Devries, Allen, E., Child, J., Walakira, E., Parkes, J., Elbourne, D., Watts, C., and Naker, D., The Good Schools Toolkit to prevent violence against children in Ugandan primary schools: Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial, vol. 14, p. 232, 2013.
K. Devries, Kyegombe, N., Zuurmond, M., Parkes, J., Child, J., Walakira, E., and Naker, D., Violence against primary school children with disabilities in Uganda: A cross-sectional study, vol. 14, p. 1017, 2014.
K. Devries, Child, J., Allen, E., Walakira, E., Parkes, J., and Naker, D., School Violence, Mental Health, and Educational Performance in Uganda, vol. 133, 2013.
K. Devries, Parkes, J., Knight, L., Allen, E., Namy, S., Datzberger, S., Nalukenge, W., Atuhaire, L., Kyegombe, N., Walakira, E., Seeley, J., Weiss, H., and Naker, D., Context of Violence in Adolescence Cohort (CoVAC) study: protocol for a mixed methods longitudinal study in Uganda, BMC Public Health, vol. 20, 2020.
K. Devries, Knight, L., Child, J., Mirembe, A., Nakuti, J., Jones, R., Sturgess, J., Allen, E., Kyegombe, N., Parkes, J., Walakira, E., Elbourne, D., Watts, C., and Naker, D., The Good School Toolkit for reducing physical violence from school staff to primary school students: A cluster-randomised controlled trial in Uganda, vol. 3, pp. e378 - 86, 2015.
D. Kaawa-Mafigiri, Iradukunda, C., Atumanya, C., Odie, M., Mancuso, A., Tran, N., McGrath, J., and Luzze, H., A Qualitative Study of the Development and Utilization of Health Facility-based Immunization Microplans in Uganda. 2021.
D. Kaawa-Mafigiri and Walakira, E., Child Abuse and Neglect in Uganda. 2017.
I. Kamya and Walakira, E., Perpetrators or Protectors of Children Against Violence: Police Officers in Uganda and Their Encounters with Children in Street Situations, 2017, pp. 179 - 197.
J. Kayiwa, Clarke, K., Knight, L., Allen, E., Walakira, E., Namy, S., Merrill, K., Naker, D., and Devries, K., Effect of the good school toolkit on school staff mental health, sense of job satisfaction and perceptions of school climate: Secondary analysis of a cluster randomised trial, vol. 101, 2017.
D. Kikulwe, Walakira, E., Ssebikindu, L., Ssebikindu, J., Muhangi, D., and Matovu, F., Education for All: Reflections on the Schooling Status for the Girl Child in Uganda, 2017, pp. 297 - 310.
L. Knight, Allen, E., Mirembe, A., Nakuti, J., Namy, S., Child, J., Sturgess, J., Kyegombe, N., Walakira, E., Elbourne, D., Naker, D., and Devries, K., Implementation of the Good School Toolkit in Uganda: a quantitative process evaluation of a successful violence prevention program, BMC Public Health, vol. 18, 2018.
N. Kyegombe, Namakula, S., Mulindwa, J., Lwanyaaga, J., Naker, D., Namy, S., Nakuti, J., Parkes, J., Knight, L., Walakira, E., and Devries, K., How did the Good School Toolkit reduce the risk of past week physical violence from teachers to students? Qualitative findings on pathways of change in schools in Luwero, Uganda, vol. 180, 2017.
